Software Developer Engineer In Test
DevOps engineer

My services
Having more than ten years of experience, I offer my services to help you improve the quality of your deliverables. And also, to reinforce the DevOps culture and its tools within your Company.
My core skills focus on automatic testing, performance testing, accessibility testing and recently, on the cloud application migration techniques (dockerization of the applications, clusterization of servers with Kubernetes and hosting in the cloud).
Among my accomplishments, I set up a complete platform allowing end-to-end automatic tests promoting open sources tools, the cloud, cross-platforms, re-usability, the introduction of AI, BDD and TDD practices, comparison tests ... .etc (click here for more further information).
It is an honour for me to make this platform available to my future customers for free.

Fascinated by computers and new technologies since the age of adolescence. I consolidated my skills and knowledge by following a Masters diploma in Network and Systems Engineering, obtained in 2009 at UBS.
Over my ten years career in software development, I have had the opportunity to experience five years of passion as a quality assurance engineer specialized in automatic testing, performance testing and accessibility testing.
My passion for the Software Development Engineering in Test leads me naturally to the DevOps engineering. Today, I also work on cloud migration projects, dockerization of applications, clusterization of servers with Kubernatise.etc.
My values

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Often challenging to achieve, it allows reducing any complexity causing heaviness, slowness and stress.
I try to bring simple solutions to my customers to meet their specific requests while ensuring medium and long-term reliability.

Transparency: a key factor to succeed in my mission.
The extent of the information I receive from my client should not end with the performance of my tasks; it should also help me better understand how the business operates as a whole.
The essence of my customer relationship is focused on transparency because I think this is the only way to gain the trust of my customer. And therefore, to offer him a service combining efficiency, performance and well-being at work.

Quality is the other sinequanone condition to gain the trust of my customers.
Because of my job, I aim to check the quality of the deliverables of other people's projects. It is, therefore, essential for me to place quality at the centre of my activities to ensure a service that meets the expectations of my customers.
As I choose transparency, the quality indicators are accessible at all times, and I always take the lead to discuss them if necessary.
I master a set of technologies; most of them are open-source; which allows me to carry out tests or DevOps projects efficiently. However, my skills are not limited to these few tools.
Amin is a talented and hard worked senior testing engineer. We collaborated closely in various project for the Richemont group involving both web and mobile apps. His duties were mainly focused on planning, designing and implementing automated acceptance and stress test both for the back and the front end. Thanks to his advice and experience, we could identify several blocker issues and bottle necks in our systems that would have very negatively impacted our production run. Moreover, he is a friendly person, works well in a team and respects the deadlines. I strongly recommend Amin for any position in relation with test management. See less ... See more
Amin is very kind, loyal, hard-working and overall great person. It was a pleasure working with him. I recommend him for any future employer! ... See more
j'ai été amené à travailler avec lui.C'est un excellent collaborateur. Persévérant, bosseur, compétent dans son domaine ! ... See more
I had the pleasure to work with Amin few months. He was a real asset for the project and he added a huge value for its success. Thank you Amin for your commitment. ... See more
I worked with Amin on several software engineering projects. He is an enthusiast coworker, persevering in solving problems and a good team player. I highly recommend Amin, he would make a great asset for any organization. ... See more
C'est un collaborateur qui a su être persévérant et force de proposition pour mener à bien les projets sur lesquels il est intervenu. Il a su faire preuve de curiosité afin de maitriser l'environnement technique et fonctionnel dans lesquels il a évolué. Il a su démontrer son niveau technique et son sens du service dans le cadre de chaque mission. See less ... See more
I had the pleasure of working with Kimberly for two years at Itecor Company. She is an exceptionally organized individual, actively involved in his work and particularly available for any help. Any employee would be lucky to have Kimberly as an administrative assistant in his Company ... See more